Monday, February 6, 2012


Hey guys! I'm so sorry I haven't written in awhile.  I had the chicken pox. (to those of you who are now sympathizing with me, thank you!) That's right, folks, after 17 years of avoiding them, I contracted chicken pox 3 weeks before my 18th birthday.  How did I handle them?  Not too well, I'm afraid.
Day 1 was fine.  They didn't itch at all and I was sure I would be able to handle them with no problem whatsoever.  Day 2 they itched a little, but it was ok.  I spent the day watching TV with my brothers (who also had chicken pox).  Day 3 is when it all began to fall apart.  It was a Sunday and my mother, father, and older sister were all at church.  The chicken pox itched soooooo bad.  So what did I do?  I did what any self-respecting 17-year-old would do.  I had an emotional breakdown and cried on my mommy's shoulder.  (please note that I am being sarcastic here.  No one should have as big of an emotional breakdown as I did) However, what stuck out to me in this wasn't that I was having an emotional breakdown.  After settling me down and assuring me that I would live through it, my mother looked at me and said: "Megan, live above your emotions." 
That did it.  I realized right there that I was letting my emotions rule me.  Herego, I was having an emotional breakdown.  From that point on, I decided to praise God through the chicken pox. 
There are 2 things to note here. 1: living above your emotions doesn't mean have no emotion at all.  It simply means that you control your life.  Don't let your emotions run away with you.  2: I said THROUGH not ABOUT.
God doesn't want you to praise him about (or for) the circumstance.  He doesn't want credit for something he didn't do. Instead, He wants you to praise Him through your circumstance.  Find the good in the world around you and praise Him for that.  (e.g. "Thank you Jesus that I won't have chicken pox on my birthday!" or "Thank you that it's such a beautiful day outside", etc) So next time you find yourself facing an "impossible" circumstance (and you do have to factor in that nothing is impossible with God) just praise THROUGH it.

Quote of the Week:
"the ending never changes.  I watched it twice, just to be sure."
Megan Fatheree                                                                        

Fun Fact of the Week:
Pandas have opposable thumbs!  (so do Koalas)

Story Starter of the Week:
Melisssa had never seen such a giant weed in her life.  In her eyes, it had to be at least six feet tall.  Whatever would she do?

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